From an Engineer to a Medico 

'Multiple integral calculi,' the blackboard read. I saw a familiar face explaining unfamiliar concepts with a blank stare. Craving to return to my real passion and live them at least once. I realized how much I'd started to hate math unlike in school. 'Wheee' I saw myself sloping down from my dreams on that haphazard... Continue Reading →

Unfathomable end

As the sun transpires into our room  I woke up this morning,  I felt you scanning my hair with your fingers and the warmth of your hug which still linger, As I Rolled to the other side of the bed and reached for you, You weren't there,  Now what will i do ?  Your voice... Continue Reading →

Conversations and beyond 

​It all started with a text ! A random group message regarding a public issue.   We never realised that we've seen each other before neither we never forecasted the kind of friendship that was waiting to be built .  As days passed with Usual random texts  We discovered something similar between us , It's... Continue Reading →

Engineering is not my thing! 

Things seemed soo confusing,  i wasn't clear about my future nor i don't know what's going on Today.  My past was a Bermuda triangle,  My life decisions were never mine ,I was always influenced by my family's perception and it's financial status before i could even afford to think. At 3 am here, being the... Continue Reading →

An unknown  trace of consciousness. 

I'm running short of words to explain how I feel every day.  It was not just a headache which stayed longer than usual or the aftermath of another bad day; it was intense. Darkness was my color. I was sad without a reason. Sometimes I didn't feel anything at all, not even despair. Totally sleep... Continue Reading →

She is different. 

​ She never cried seeing lizards cockroches and snakes.Pink and blue has no influence on her ,At the age of 7 she preferred football along with guys in her Street to barbie dolls, Sweat pants and t shirts looked pretty on her than fancy frocks and glowing gowns with frills and laces.  Her soft sole... Continue Reading →

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